Friday, 1 January 2010

First steps....

As it is often the case, the first blog entry is an introduction of the blogger. I do not find myself interesting enough to be worthy of an introduction. Honestly, I find it rather self-absorbing and could not be asked! I am also not going to state what the blog will serve to comment on. If I can say anything on what it is going to be about, it will be about something…anything and even perhaps nothing.

I would want to mention one thing. Tabula rasa is the state I wish to maintain when I am feeding my curiosity about my world. And before I start receiving comments on what it means – it is a Latin word which essentially means an erased tablet. The mind before it receives the impressions gained from experience or the mind in its uninformed original state – postulated by John Locke in his book An Essay Concerning Human Understanding…that the mind at birth is a blank slate and filled through the course of life with experiences. My mind is still largely a blank slate. There is an enormous amount I need to know, see, feel, taste and embrace. And I guess returning to what this blog will serve to do, I reckon at its minimal, the blog will record some of the filling of the spaces on my tablet.

Today, apart from being 01/01/2010, it is Enough Day for me. I was inspired by a reading and it defined “Enough Day” as follows
"Today all material possessions are enough. I hope to seek another and better
kind of wealth than terminal acquisition.”
I am sure it is going to be hard to keep to this promise (I am strongly fighting the urge to use the word “resolution”) but it is a start that I didn’t go into town to scour for bargain buys. So I remained on Penglais Hill cleaning up after the New Year's Eve party and having some time for introspective reflection.

Just a few more will be weekly( I hope)....if you wish to make a comment, be polite, please....I welcome earnest comments....each blog will include a feed for the eyes and the soul - a picture and a quote. The picture will be extracted from my collection of pictures and the quote will be an extract of whatever I am reading, which is often random. And finally, all the errors are not an intentional fault of mine...cheeky!
Feed for the eyes: For my first post it is that of my favourite tree on the Meadow, Cathedral Close, Brecon Cathedral, Brecon, Wales. I often stand below the shade of its boughs which always feel like arms embracing me as I ramble with Him about my trivialities (Spring, 2009). Yes, I am referring to the tree!
Feed for the soul: St Augustine! What can I say - one of the brightest feathers in the Christian cap.
"...we must enjoy to the full that truth which lives interchangeably, and since, within it, God the Trinity, the author and creator of everything, takes thought for the things that he has created, our minds must be purified so that they are able to perceive that light and then hold fast to it. Let us consider this process of cleansing as a trek, or a
voyage, to our homeland; though progress towards the one who is ever present is not made through space, but through integrity of purpose and character."
- On Christian Teachings, Saint Augustine, 427 AD
Happy TwentyTen everyone!!!


  1. Happy New Year Jassie!

    I am so glad you have decided to start your own gives people a taste of your writing which I find so moving and inspirational.

    Good luck with it my friend...I will be popping in every now and again to give my own tiny contribution :)

  2. Hey Jaspal,

    Interesting read, happy new year


  3. Hi Ms Jaspal!
    Will be keeping an eye on this one :-)
    Glad to see you're still going great and going strong, and joining the blogosphere.

    Cheers and take care

  4. Maasi!
    I'm really glad you finally opened a blog. Actually it was just a matter of time, since all intellectuals love to share their thoughts and and exchange views on matters close to their heart. but i must say, that i absolutely love the title of your blog. Tabula rasa also refers to the five senses, don't they?
    And this is a truly reflective first post...

  5. You make me miss Wales :) and my own blank slate *hugs*

  6. a blog... finally!
    you'd make a very good blogger maasi! can't wait for your next posts!
    you have an avid follower in me!

  7. woww only i realize my luvly dadima do have blog as look forward from now..
